One major challenge in our indie community is that it heavily biases towards white dudes like myself.

This shows itself in the friendships we make, communities we form, masterminds we start, podcast guests we interview, our twitter shoutouts/retweets, the companies we buy from.
I encourage you to go follow BIPOC, women, and non-white-male makers and founders.

It's okay to be intentional about inclusion.

Keep this in mind when you're forming your next private DM group, picking podcast guests, or even shouting out twitter accounts to follow.
Hopefully this thread doesn't come off the wrong way. I am trying to improve on this as well, and definitely still have a ton of blind spots.

I'm probably messing this up every day.

But hopefully, with some effort and some time, we can all improve.
You can follow @SloanCam.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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