Going to say a few last things about this here, before I put this to rest and focus on good things. https://twitter.com/literarypenny/status/1385753311178002432
This strong anti Asian/anti mixed blood racism didn’t exist in the books, but it’s stated in this article that it was the author’s choice as exec producer to make Alina half Shu to remedy the source material being too white and not inclusive. https://ew.com/tv/shadow-and-bone-alina-race-change-impact/
They even had a half Korean writer who worked on the show to explore the question of identity when you’re half Asian/mixed race. I totally get this, as someone who is half Korean/biracial herself. I also think having a biracial character questioning their own identity
and searching for their place in the world is a very valid thing, that it can exist in storytelling, whether it’s a contemporary or a fantasy. It can also be a very beautiful and powerful thing. I never want to invalidate anyone’s experience or keep them from telling their truth.
HOWEVER, to explore this in a fantasy world through straight up anti-Asian rhetoric, exoticism, and hateful slurs for being Asian/mixed race, was not the right call here. It ended up being a lot more harmful than inclusive, especially during a time when anti-Asian hate is at
its worst. I really wanted to love watching this adaptation, especially when it had such an amazing cast and a quality production, but when I witnessed:

Ep 1: “rice eater” used as a slur, and a poster of an angry Asian caricature depicting the Shu Han as the yellow peril enemy.
Ep 2: “mutt” used as a slur.

Ep 3: “let’s make her eyes less Shu” aka less Asian, and then later that episode “half breed” is whispered into Alina’s ear.

And the Menagerie, aka the brothel run by a white woman, decked out in Asian decor.
I found myself feeling more hurt and disgusted than entertained, especially with this whole narrative of “Alina is going to be the one to save the world despite her Shu blood” going on, as if being Shu is an adversity to overcome to begin with.
I don’t understand why nobody caught how harmful that could be when they were discussing how to be more inclusive in the writers room.
So many young AAPI and mixed race fans are going to watch and see that their identity is an unexpected ugly problem in a series that they love. I’m also deeply disturbed by the number of people who are overlooking this because of how beloved the author and her books are.
Do I think she should be canceled or dragged for it? NO. Do I think the people who worked on the show should be canceled or dragged for it? NO. But I do want the missteps to be acknowledged here, for that writers room to have A LOT more
inclusivity in it than that one writer as their shining example/justification, and for these issues to be addressed more thoughtfully going forward, should there be a season 2.
I know I’m just talking into a void here, and that my opinion can’t really change anything, but I just wanted to put it out there because I know others are feeling it too.
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