I attended a summit today and I was happy to see the diverse career mentors who don't have the usual CEO, Founder, MD titles. In my group we had an amazing Gardener, Shift Supervisor, and Communications Specialist share their experiences.

We talked about career happenstance.
It's the reciprocal vulnerability, relatability, honesty, respect for people who have unique career roadmaps and experiences, and an inclusive knowledge-sharing space to discuss about careers.

I appreciate how they shared their career journey with so much grace and courage.
I saw questions from University students and some recent graduates who are still in the decision-making phase of figuring out what they want to do and ways they can strategically dwell in a world of possibility.

It was a healthy conversation & no display of ultracrepidarianism.
Acknwowldgeing our unique journey and affirming people's strength when necessary.

We talked about the importance of self-care ➡️ taking time to rest, reflect, reenergize and reposition ourselves when our bodies and minds need a break from battling with the culture of busyness.
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