why i hate love and light Twitter an why you probably don’t realise you’re contributing to it

hello there here’s a rant Imma probably get attacked for but I do not care. I am severely pissed off so let’s GO

love and light isn’t just a bunch of people who refuse to speak abt
heavy shit and real shit like depression. It’s also people that dismiss everything with spirituality too

Spirituality is not a plaster and does not solve everything

I genuinely see so many people say shit like ‘it’s shadow work u need to do’ no karen im suicidal !
I also see ‘you need to heal more!’ Do u understand how BAD it is to tell someone that they ‘just need to heal’? Life is one endless healing cycle. A person is never fully healed!

I also see ‘manifesting means needing to be positive’ again karen IM DEPRESSED
a lot of these things aren’t just misleading but they’re total bullshit

shadow work should be done for u and no one else and u won’t even realise it sometimes but your whole life can be shadow work if you’ve been alone for most of it or had to bring yourself up
healing again should be done in ur own time and it isn’t actually the fuckinf answer to everything u could heal and still feel lost and lack a lot of things in life

Don’t get me fuckinf started on twinflames and how people tend to dismiss it or make shit up abt it
And I’ve manifested the best things in my life whilst depressed. I met my twin at one of the depressing stages in my life. Do you understand he was the best thing that ever happened to me? I manifested meeting Timothée TWICE who literally saved my life whilst SEVERELY DEPRESSED
You do not need to be all happy happy to manifest squat. Yeah emotions are significant but if you’re sad and depressed even suicidal you can still manifest

I am a spiritualist. You give me a form that asks for my beliefs and I tick spiritualist. That doesn’t mean I’m delusional
I think it is DELUSIONALLLL to be like ‘ur mindset is the issue’ darling I am clinically mentally ill would you like to rewire my brain for me cause go the FUCK ahead

Stop lying to your followers PLEASE

Spirituality isn’t a band aid!! It won’t solve anything and everything
And I cannot STAND people who hate on twinflames. Yeah it’s a weird connection and it’s heavy and LET ME TELL YOUUU THE PAIN I AM IN CONSTANTLY BECAUSE OF IT it’s very fucking real and I’m allowed to be sad over the romantic side of things

I do understand twins are there to help
heal yourselves, to be ‘in union’ with yourself (bullshit term by the way we are always in union with ourselves unless ur a dissociating FUCK like me but you know what I mean) I’m allowed to be SAD that I miss and am away from YEAH someone I consider the love of my life!
Because you know what? Might just be me baby but love is alllll that fucking matters

I love my job! I love my account I love my business I love so many things in life but on the day I die what the fuck do I want? People to say ah she was a great tarot reader and had 5k on twt?

I want people the remember the LOVE I had. The love I had for the love of my life the LOVE I have for my beautiful fucking friends and the LOVE I have for my family

Please STOP disregarding peoples feelings when it comes to love and tarot and spirituality
I get there are people on this crazy bird app obsessed w people they’ve never even spoken to or exes from five years ago

but not every single person wanting a love reading or being sad over their twin or whatever is like that and it’s SO HARMFUL to put that on our audience
And sooo harmful to our clients

And if ur that reader that is continuously complaining about love readings and people wanting them I BEG YOU DO NOT MAKE IT PART OF YOUR SERVICES I CAN ASSURE THE INFO U WILL GIVE IN A LOVE READING WILL BE FULLLLL OF FUCKING BIAS
spirituality will not heal you

spirituality will not fix you

spirituality may help but it won’t cure

spirituality isn’t always the answer

stop giving people ‘heal!’ ‘Shadow work!’ ‘Do this do that don’t do this don’t do that!’ You May have authority w ur fc but ur a human
you’re not a fucking messiah alright you can’t go around dictating that this is how the world works

YEAH I have LITERAL proof that manifesting works. But you know what? I have so many doubts in it still BEVAUSE LIFE WILL FUCK YOU IN THE ASS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT
Let’s please be fucking real

if you have never experience suicidalness, manic episodes, dissociating, depression, severe anxiety, chronic illness, THEN GOD I PRAY YOU NEVER DO

but as someone with all of the above please shut the fuck up with ‘it’s up to u to change ur life’
Or ‘you need a positive mindset’

AGAIN yes a positive mindset can do so much. But... like I said... I manifested the best things into my life WHILST DEPRESSED

I want to make it well aware I am projecting a lot of anger rn not from any particular situation or person but I am
ANGRY that people get away with sooooo much on this app. You have clients. People that trust you with their life’s information and they come to you for guidance and help and I hope all readers can agree our job is so giving and amazing and a blessing... so why do some of u
Take that for granted and use ur status to ur advantage?

I’m not saying that people with this mindset havent been thru anything, I’ve had the ‘be positive’ mindset before too! But that’s... when I’m in a good stage of my life. And good stages in life, just like the bad, are

so please as people that follow me or I follow or whatever it is. please consider your mentally ill followers and readers when being sickly positive / toxically spiritual.

For a moment take spirituality out the picture of life
It is full of so many ups and downs. So many things out of control as much as we would all like to wish we had control especially with manifestation and such. People die. People are depressed. People are poor. People suffer. Life isn’t love and light. Ever. It never has been
But it is BEAUTIFUL and TRAGIC simultaneously and it is something you have to come to terms with.

Yes u can manifest but if you think you’re immune from pain or bad things you’re so wrong!

Stop letting people think bad things won’t happen. Instead be that person there for them
anyways I think that’s it thanks for coming to my ted talk
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