This account is wildly biphobic.
Check out some of these replies! Fascinating stuff. 🧐
I was fully expecting this to be a gaggle of TERFs.
See, usually trans exclusionary radical feminists are that way because they hate males, or people who are amab, if that's more comfortable. They don't care if you're a cis man, or a trans woman. If you're born XY, you're on their misandrist shit list.
So that's what I expected, because those sorts of radfems are so misandristic that bisexual women are also tarred with the same brush. How could we ever love stinky, poopy, cootie riddled males? It's basically that level of childish.
What's especially weird about this portion of twitter though is, if you actually look at a lot of those responding, a decent amount of them identify as nonbinary.

@/makeupalesbiann has a carrd, and out of morbid curiousity I went to check it out. 
Now, some recognition where it's due, apparently the people involved in running this twitter are minors.

They're going to lack the maturity to understand why what they're doing is kinda not great, let's say. So don't go bothering them. It isn't really worth it.
We're only here to take a look at and discuss their interesting beliefs from afar.
It is curious. Look at the information from their carrd:
Despite the misandry, they seem to be super pro-trans and nonbinary identities. So what we have here are indeed radfems, but are seemingly inclusive of trans and nb people. Whether they are properly inclusive of trans women, I'm not entirely sure.
So the misandry here isn't so much "ew XY males," but more along the lines of "ew cis and trans men." Which, I think goes to show how similar both kinds of radfems are when you break it down.
TERFs; when I use that term, I do specifically mean radical feminists who are actively anti-trans in their "activism." Just to clarify.
The most obvious bad thing about TERFs is their general anti-trans sentiments, of course. When you dig deeper and see that it's a misandrist hatred of anyone XY, then that changes the perspective a little bit, and explains other things.
It explains why there's often a co-occuring dislike of bisexual women, as explained earlier, for our association with males.

Those two things are bad, but I feel the root cause is worth discussing more. Misandry. If we root out misandry...
Would these people then have "justification" to hate trans women and bisexual women? No. Our "proximity" to males would then be irrelevant.

But I'm kind of straying from the topic with all of this.
Point is, the root cause of the hate is the same for both groups of radfem: misandry. They merely diverge on the point of sex vs gender.
Therefore, at least as far as I'm concerned, it's important to be against *all* forms of radical, misandristic feminism if we are ever going to bridge the rifts between the many LGBT+ demographics.
It's not gonna happen, because that would require honesty, maturity, and a recognition that radical feminism gets a lot wrong about how the world works. Oh well. One can only hope.
Ngl though, I'm still pretty taken aback by how such an "inclusive" account can be so exclusionary.

It makes sense that all wlw have spaces in which we can find each other. If I ever want to find myself a girlfriend, I'm going to have to go into those kinds of spaces.
Yet I am feeling increasingly less and less welcome in wlw spaces. It's wild.
I'm getting a lot of replies saying that it isn't biphobia, it's just that lesbians need a safe space away from the scary bisexual women is all. My guys. Do you lack self awareness?
Also, why are so many bisexuals seeing and replying to this? If you were doing what OP wanted, you wouldn't be here. You're following OP when you "shouldn't" be, hmm? Tsk tsk. You naughty bisexuals, you.
"Why do you hate us?"

I don't, and it's very much the opposite. Why do you think bi women are so hurt by biphobia when it comes from lesbians? Because we literally love women too.

"Kick the chair."
"We're not biphobic, but also you bisexuals better learn your place!"
"We're not biphobic, but go do the suicide and die."
"I'm not biphobic, but I'm gonna tell you to kill yourself and threaten to smash your head in with a brick."
"Not biphobic, even though we've dogpiled, told you to kill yourself, threatened you, and now we're gonna gaslight you too..."
Bonus round:
I was tempted to go through and screenshot all the times they use the term "safe space," which again, safe from whomst? Someone even said a "safe space" away from their "oppressor," as if bisexuals are oppressing them. Screenshot all the times they used the word "invade," too.
But it's too much effort, I've had over 100 people quote tweeting the thread at this point. Thanks for the signal boosts, by the way. I'm actually rather pleased with this thread. The more eyes on it the better. So keep sharing it, lovelies. You're doing a grand ol' job!
Keep on sending suicide bait and threats too, thereby continuously proving the point for me. It's just incredible.
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