We're back on the blame anything & anyone other those responsible for the c0vid crises bandwagon.
From the ppl themselves to Joe Biden: everyone is "fair" game *except* he-who-shall-not-be-named & his cohorts.
There are hypothetical musings of WWDD (what would...
...Donald Trump do?); doing the rounds on SM too.
This thread is about why it's ridiculously stup!d af to expect Joe Biden to prioritize anything other than American lives as their President.
Remember, not everyone has as little regard for their own ppl; like Supreme...
This thread is also about how Donald Trump would most likely (considering his record), not be doing India any favors: the way that many Indian Trumpers seem to think so.
The prop@ganda being pushed, serves as the proverbial fig leaf for a certain p0litical party.
""For...decades we've been losing tens of billions of dollars to...India, & name any country & we lost, but...not...anymore," he said to his cheering supporters...claimed that ppl of the US demanded a govt that puts America first." (April 2019)

"I got a call from Prime Minister...of India. They're one of the highest taxing nations in the world. They taxed us 100 per cent," Trump said reiterating his often-heard remarks on the Indian tariff structure." (April 2019)

"...opposition...demanded...M0d! clarify what actually transpired between him & Trump on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Tokyo...external affairs minister...“I repeat, no such request was made by the PM to the U.S. president.” (July 2019) https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/07/23/why-india-is-upset-with-the-united-states/
"...Trump has signed an order...Trump administration has suspended & limited the entry into the US of H-1B, H-2B, & L visa-holders & their dependents till Dec 31, 2020...help millions of Americans...lost their jobs amid...pandemic." (June 2020)

"...M0d! govt holds the Trump admin & his...USTR responsible for the failure of the negotiations...over the past 2 yrs...External Affairs Minister said he hoped...Biden admin will address the outstanding trade issues..." (Dec 2020) https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/jaishankar-blames-trump-team-for-failure-of-trade-deal/article33315761.ece/amp/
"Under...Trump...US & India held concerted negotiations...potential trade deal could include partial restoration by...US of India's GSP benefits in exchange for certain market access commitments...trade deal...not materialised to date..." (Jan 2021)

What I've tried to do with this thread, is cite sources to show that Trump as US President; never prioritized India's needs over that of America (unlike many deluded Indian Trumpers who're claiming otherwise). While Dolan Trump was very chummy with Supreme Leader...
...it was never about India or the US: just bonding over shared populism, narcissism, egomania & other such characteristics.
America didn't make the same mistake of electing incompetence a 2nd time around. India on the other hand, where do I even begin? The situation in...
...every respect is exponentially worse.
I believe that if anyone has the resources to help India at this difficult time; they most definitely should.
If the Indian ppl are looking to blame something/someone for the mess we are in: we should 1st look within.
The fact that Rahul Gandhi was right, every step of the way; also merits special mention.
Who is/are the real Pappu(s)? Not Rahul Gandhi or even Supreme Leader! It's Indians.
Hopefully, the situation improves.
Ppl are already helping each other, in any way they can.
May the sick find reprieve. May the healthy stay healthy. May India emerge stronger. May India make better choices (esp when it comes to electing ppl to power).
Jai Hind.

P.S: If someone has a counterview, the comments section is open (but pls don't be a troll).
You can follow @BeteNoireVM.
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