Psychology textbook diagrams never cease to amaze me
Ravioli Ravioli Give Me the Formuoli
My neurotransmitters would like a word
You know in video games, where you choose your dialogue and it’ll lead to different results?

A bird shat on your car.

Choose your dialogue:

“Birds hate me” —> depression

“Birds are inconsiderate pricks” —> no depression
Cured 💖
Okay for folk who don’t get why this is wrong—there are too many reasons to get into in-depth, but just a glaring one:

Your boss (who has full power over your livelihood) treating you like an emotional punching bag is inexcusable.
Feeling worthless as a result of abuse (and yes I’m calling it abuse because of the glaring power imbalance at play, and a lucky guess that this isn’t the first or last time someone’s shitty boss is yelling at them) cannot and should not be reduced to maladaptive behaviour.
Teaching a target of abuse to just take the abuse better is surprisingly not as helpful as you may think it is.
Acting like our emotional states can be separated from our material conditions is ridiculous, in and of itself.

Someone with the financial power to get up and leave when their boss yells or lashes out at them is NOT in the same position as someone who is forced to just take it.
Being yelled at and demeaned by your boss can further reinforce feelings of helplessness ROOTED IN THE REALITY of being TRAPPED FINANCIALLY.
It’s not just about being yelled at & responding to that one single situation.
If you are unwilling to (or uninterested in) even ATTEMPTING to understand inequitable distributions of power and the ways in which factors related to THAT impact our mental and physical well being, do literally everyone a favour and don’t become a therapist.
Like, the whole point of this post was just to meme about how hilariously simple this diagram was because roasting terrible textbook diagrams is fun.

But some of you are in my mentions wholeheartedly explaining this shit to me with some pretty alarming takes
Idk man maybe just meme or move on
Friends.... I know what CBT is.

This was a shit post.

My criticism is directed at the folk who leapt at this as an opportunity to double down on toxic positivity & subsequently accuse anyone who disagrees of either being “too lazy to do the work” or too simple to understand it.
It’s gross, please stop.
“When my boss treats me like I’m worthless, I feel worthless”

“Sounds like a you problem, he was probably just having a bad day”

—>no depression
(This oversimplification was deliberate because at this point there’s so much outrage in my mentions I just can’t possibly take it seriously lmao)
My favourites are the ones who keep asking is CBT means cock and ball torture and honestly with all the ball busting some of you are doing in my mentions, I’m not even sure anymore—

Anyway I’m muting this now lmao

But do rest assured that I’m probably thoroughly impressed with your response and I’m sure you really showed me!
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