I have had, the most marvellous day of my year so far. I visited with my grandchildren, a beautiful 2 1/2 year old granddaughter into everything, especially "grandad flying" she has the most beautiful laugh, it melts me
and a three week old grandson, who doesn't do or say much, but just holding him is incredible. His fingers fascinate me, so perfect but so tiny. It is almost impossible to understand I was once that size. He melts me
So what is my point? Simply this.
Unless we, that is every single one of humankind, changes, becomes kind, generous, grows integrity, stops being unjust, the lives of the most precious people in my life, will be tortuous
We are destroying this planet, with our greed and selfishness, with our thoughtless, throw away, trash society. Our need for newer, bigger, better. Everything we do, causes more problems.
Credit @ClimateBen

1. Global crop failures by 2°C.
2. Most humans dead by 4°C.
3. Earth uninhabitable by 6°C.
4. We risk 2°C by 2035.
5. We risk 4°C by 2065.
6. We risk 6°C by 2095.
So, my problem is, each and every single time I hold, see, talk to, play with, or just visit, my grandchildren, I am filled with an emotion I don't think I have ever really felt before. Fear, for their future.
My childhood, most of my life really, has been filled with fun, freedom and frolics. Theirs will not be, their lives, if indeed they survive to be half the age I am now, will be filled with pain, hunger and fear.
Crops will fail, water will be scarce, heat will be extreme. Energy may be rationed or not always available. Extreme weather events will increase. All because humankind wanted it all. All because humankind would not stop being selfish.
Now, here is the thing, being vegan, goes a long way to helping mitigate the very worst effects of human made climate catastrophe. It isn't the complete answer, but it is the single biggest thing any individual can do.
Because animal agriculture is the leading driver of
Ocean dead zones
Land use
Water use
Antibiotic and hormone use
It produces more GHG than the whole of transportation put together.
I don't think it is fair, or right, that future generations suffer, or never exist, because current generations were too self absorbed or apathetic to change.
I grew up in a world where chocolate, meat, televisions, cars, telephones, were all considered luxuries and were only enjoyed occasionally. But I was made better by not having it all right now.
So, I am begging every single inhabitant of this crazy, fucked up, evil, selfish and beautiful planet to change. Not for me, not even for you, but for all the future generations we are committing to harsh or no existence. To wake the fuck up.
The science all says the same thing, the earth, on current trajectory will be all but uninhabitable in 50 to 100 years. So whilst it won't affect me, or most of you, it will affect those we love, or will love when they are born.
Can any of us, honestly say, that we don't care that our children grandchildren or even great grandchildren, are not important enough to us, to not do something as simple and easy as going vegan, or at least plant based?
Dismiss me as an irrelevant #bunnyhugger if you will. But many, far wiser and more knowledgeable would agree with me.
You can follow @kirthurgan.
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