This is a great episode, and my first introduction to this article from Moldbug.

I appreciate the respect Yarvin gives Mises and Rothbard, but I think he misinterprets Mises as a libertarian.

Mises was a man of the right.
For example, Yarvin critiques the idea of politics as "tyranny v freedom" and I think he raises valid points. But to Mises, freedom wasn't some abstract concept of "liberty", it was the preservation of social order under a system of property rights.
This is why Mises was a strong opponent of anarchism, he understood that government was an iron fist - but he also believed that such an iron fist was necessary to justly maintain property rights.
I do appreciate that Yarvin's criticism of Lew Rockwell is that he was too tolerant of the left in 2010.

I wonder how much of the RRR paleo content he's ever read?
Also, this misunderstanding that naturally arises from ancaps enthusiasm for the "anarchy" word.

Rothbardian anarchy is order, free of state privilege. There's not a utopian ideal of perfecting man, it's Take Back the Streets, Unleash the (Private) Police against bad actors.
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