people praise and hype bad singing or actually not-live-at-all vocals so often that i feel like i need to regularly put eunkwang on the tl to put them in their place like THIS is what actually good and actually live singing sounds like
like i can’t even call out not-live-at-all singing or singing that blatantly sounds bad that kpop stans lie to themselves about bc they cannot handle even fair and valid criticism without accusing ppl of being antis lolol
also if i was an idol and i was told i had to compete against eunkwang for vocals or even perform on the same event as him i simply would quit my job because i just don’t have a humiliation kink. gotta salute some of these ppl for their bravery i guess
this is for most kpop stans who don’t understand the concept of an actual vibrato, a developed and impressive lower register (since some can only comprehend badly screamed out high notes), staying on key without pitch correction + volume/sounds actually (wow!) matching the mouth
u may argue “it’s just pop music it’s not that deep” well yes actually it is bc yall need to firstly stop glorifying harmful and unhealthy vocal technique and secondly yall keep looking down on baritones/bass/mezzos/contraltos for what? smth they can’t change? lolol
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