I want to rant but I shouldn't. Because I rather not Spread BS Vibes but in the same Time I keep it to myself because I'm seeing faces I don't want to see and also not cause Cancellation upon others, I only do that for Vaildary reasons only.
If its something that has to do with Somebody who's bugging the dog water out of me or if it's somebody who is doing the common wrongdoings. I prefer to stay mutual to it, than making a call out post. Because surely of course you're technically spreading awareness, I understand
But think of the circumstances of the so said somebody. rather the person is: young or mentally ill or somebody who doesn't have a better understanding, Im not saying Oh support them??? I never say that. Because Cancel culture is just not a way to solve a problem or two
If you've been part of the internet for 10+ years then you'd probably have common sense. if you prefer to stay away from drama and toxicity or so said somebody either you'd block them, stay away from the drama, and Live your life
if ppl ask you tell them what you know, (ur info)
Then leave at that and continue your life. or Probably just stay out of all together, because if you're like me who wants to be aimed Respectfully and Considerably sometimes in certain situations if you feel that you shouldn't put up with what's interfering with your stuff-
Or what drama that you want to contribute but in the same you prefer to stay out and be mutual to it.

Simple: you walk away, don't say anything regarding the topic of so said person, continue what you love doing even if its hanging w/buddies

Let the drama proceed its course.
Because at the end of the day, if you done some wrong doings of your own and you contributing on canceling people on here, Don't expect that karma will ignore you because Karma Will bite you in the ass even if you feel that you're in the clear with hiding your sins they'll show.
NOT TO SPREAD THIRD ENDS HERE But I have Read and Heard What SRA and ZM have done. What BS they Caused to the other party Now I could have my say About it, but As an Individual I do not have any position to say about it nor shouldn't have any intentions to say-
Anything Whatsoever because of course it's NOT my business to have my words go across, I took the smart way to leave it alone don't anything about it and leave it at that. So moral of this Thread.
If you're a professional (I.g.- Voice Actor/Artist/Animator/etc.) and you want your talents and work Most Shown here.

- Don't contribute in drama or Cancel culture.
- Don't be an Absolutely Asshole of any kind.
- Do what you love
- Don't fuck up
- Be good to everybody
I swear it's plane Simple, and if you have a situation regarding if somebody is being shit to you, don't say it out loud to the crowd just block them and forget what u witnessed easy said then done, May not be the easiest thing yes but if u end choosing to spread awareness
That's valid, just common sense is all I have to say. Thank you for reading
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