Do you agree with me that original source for "number 1 million" uyghurs in concentration camps is coming from this report of @CHRDnet submitted to the "Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination" on July 16, 2018 ?
The problem is there is absolutely no mention of any article that could present their methodology of estimates for this number in source 52 ...
The problem is also this has often been misrepresented in the West as a UN-authored report because it was cited by a U.S. member of that panel. It was not authored by the UN or a UN body.
This figure has been accepted without any scrutiny by major Western media outlets and politicians. This is a bit troubling when you consider the biases and funding ties that CHRD has to the U.S. government, particularly from the @NEDemocracy .
Gay McDougall is the source of this number, here is her speech, @Reuters reported her allegations as being true whereas she didn't even present any tangible evidence to back this number
Thanks to @mirkohumbert, we know @NEDemocracy is funding @CHRDnet, NED is a CIA cutout and a US agency funded by US Congress, but CHRD is labeled "non-government organization"
Lmao they interviewed 8 Uyghurs from 8 different villages, they told them 12.8% of each are in re-education camps on average, then they conjectured approximately 12.8% of Uyghur population is locked up in so-called concentration camps, which is indeed over 1 million Uyghurs 🤣
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