Hey everyone.

Here's a guide for interacting with twitter in a better way, that's more condusive of your time and mental health.

This helps me a lot, and would almost certainly help you, especially if you're a semi-big or larger creator.
Step 1: Use Twitters notification filters. They're great!

Go to settings --> Notifications --> Filters

Activate quality filter

Go to Mute notifications
Activate everything except the first one.
Next up: Using the Block feature.

Just do it, really. It's gonna save you in the long run, use it more rather than less.

Here's some good guidelines:
Someone quote tweets you, is being an as and doesn't follow you? Instant block. Don't even think about it.
People who don't follow you and quote tweet you, do so most often to brigade your replies with their community, to send them after you.

Practice 0 tolerance towards that behavior, if they wanted to talk, they would have replied to you or DMd you.
Block people in your replies, who are assholes and don't follow you.

Most likely, they were sent there from a quote tweet, again these people dont follow you and are unlikely to give you the time of day. Just block them.
Next up People who follow you, but act like asses.

This one can be a bit more tricky, but often times i practice the 3 strikes rule. Write something bad once, that's fine we want a bit of critisism, twice okay, if you're consistently an ass in my replies, then i dont need that.
That's it. After doing this for a couple of months, twitter becomes a considerately better place.

Don't worry too much about "blocking differing voices", the vast majority of people aren't looking to offer opinions, they just wanna dunk on you.
I've never used a block list or any bot to block people, and these are my stats.

Happy blocking!
You can follow @DarioRahim.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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