I am here in Pomona for an #AbolishIce rally. Activists are protesting the detainment of unaccompanied minors at the Pomona Fairplex. 2,400 children are being held at the facility.
Folks are coming in. Some signs in the crowd.
They ask for no flags out for the ceremony to respect the Indigenous land we are on.
The beginning of the ceremony.
"These are not immigrants, these are refugees...they are running from something...we need to welcome them with open arms."
AIM SoCal is here. Deedee speaks about the land we are on.
They go over the demands for the Fairplex facility. They demand transparency.
"We (Indigenous people) didn't cross the borders, the borders crossed us."
Abolish ICE chants.
A cage has been built as a visual representation of what's going on at these detainment centers.
Border Angels. No More Deaths. Two orgs that was recommended to either follow or support people on the border.
Title 42 is a policy invoked by the Trump administration under the guise of public health during coronavirus pandemic but has restricted access of migrants seeking refugee status.
Its worth noting that Biden at any point could revoke Title 42 and end the inhumane policy of child separation but every day chooses not to.
Jojo tells their story of being in these facilities. (The fully story will be posted later)
Jojo, who was apart of the Chicano Moratorium, speaks to the kids. His runs an organization called Operation Street Kids.
March is beginning.
The march and chants.
Some signs and chants from the march.
The folks in the community and on the streets have been super supportive. Horns honking. Waves. Fists in the air.
As chants of "save our children" ring out, its worth noting that in Hollywood a QAnon rally gathered under the same idea today. Except their chant highlights a dangerous conspiracy theory and this march highlights a real humanitarian crisis.
The pup is cute and very tired.
Abolish! ICE!
The community is out supporting. Gonna come back for the BBQ.
Ok, I am headed home. Walked about 4 miles today. I'll update this thread later. Thanks for following along. Be water and stay dangerous. #AbolishICE
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