Please don't be aggressive with people who use the term anime when referring to donghua. Correcting them is all well and good but attacking people and accusing them of racism is a bit... yikes. Especially since some are Japanese using English and anime just means animation there.
It doesn't help that Tencent, Iqiyi and Bilibili all describe their donghua as anime since it's currently a more marketable term and hopefully that will change in the future, but assuming people are insulting is a really horrible way for someone to first discover the term donghua
And also "donghua" just means animation in China. Like the word anime in Japan. In English we use the term to differentiate Chinese animation and other industries but in China, dongman and donghua are all industries' and then it is clarified by Japanese, Domestic, western.
I try to avoid drama, so I'm returning to my usual recluse self. I get why people are frustrated with the elitism of some anime fans and western ignorance in general, but don't let them make you snap at people who just haven't had a chance to learn yet.
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