hope you don't mind but i'm gonna talk about this a little bit. it's a long 🧵 https://twitter.com/hypercadence/status/1385973951810129920
"sysmed" is a transphobic term, want to know why? i'll explain as a trans system.
trans meds aren't spreading scientific evidence, and they're trying to pathologize/medicalize an experience that isn't inherently a disorder BASED ON RESEARCH about experiences from trans people.
being trans is not a mental illness, and this has been proven by scientific studies on trans people. there is no reason to act like we're disordered for being trans other than self hating transmeds wanting to be "cured" or as close to cis people as possible when it's impossible.
transmeds spread pseudoscientific "evidence" like brain sex, misinterpret the gender dysphoria criteria, and even spread TE/RF rhetoric and bioessentialism, those last two of which are rooted in white supremacy.
the reason their rhetoric is so harmful to trans and nonbinary people is that it's trying to medicalize something that wasn't medical in the first place, trying to act like being trans is a mental illness when it's not, gatekeeping who's trans and who isn't and generally
attacking people who don't fit their narrow view of who's "really" trans. on a surface level of "sysmedicalism" i can see where you're coming from, but if you analyze what sysmeds are saying and where they're coming from i disagree with its usage and agree it's transphobic.
it's usage in comparison to transmed doesn't make any sense. by calling me a sysmed you're telling me i want to medicalize a disorder that's already medicalized. it doesn't make sense. the usage is also so watered down that it doesn't even mean anything anymore. all it really-
says at this point is that someone said something you disagree with about systems. it can mean anything from someone is anti-endo to someone said the headspace is a form of maladaptive daydreaming (something proved by actual science). it doesn't make sense to use it already.
but when you boil down and look at sysmed arguments, what we're saying is rooted in scientific fact backed up by plenty of evidence, and anti-sysmeds are the ones using unreliable sources, pseudoscience and cultural appropriation of closed religions (look at t*lpas for example).
not to mention that huge amounts of anti-sysmed arguments come from severely misunderstanding the DID/OSDD diagnostic criteria, ISSTD guidelines, cherry-picking, fearmongering, anti-psychology and /actual/ ableism towards DID/OSDD systems and even internalized ableism.
anti-sysmeds also like to say that sysmeds gatekeep trauma, but we aren't. you are. anti-sysmeds are the ones acting like your and other people's trauma isn't enough to cause DID/OSDD when it clearly is. you think we're talking /only/ about abuse and we aren't. we never were.
we only say that you need repetitive trauma between general ages of 6-9 (sometimes higher or lower, but this is in general). just because the DSM says the majority of cases come from abuse doesn't mean that the other 10% is endogenic, it just comes from other kinds of trauma.
you also misunderstand the dysfunction criteria of DID/OSDD which doesn't refer to any significant or really measurable distress, and it doesn't even have to come from your alters specifically. the distress can refer to depression, anxiety, C/PTSD, nightmares, amnesia,
dissociation/DPDR, lack of sense of self, low self esteem, self harm or suicidal thoughts/tendencies, etc. it's a redundant criteria and isn't generally measurable. it just means a disorder is a disorder. it doesn't mean you have to struggle every second of every day bc of
your alters. it just means it's a disorder. you would know more about DID/OSDD, changes to the criteria, exceptions, history of the disorder, etc if you read more than just the diagnostic criteria, but none of you have. the diagnostic criteria isn't all there is.
the ISSTD guidelines also don't say to not treat your alters like people. it says DIRECTLY to treat them as individuals, if any of you would bother to actually read them. but you don't because you want to keep your stance of anti-psychology roots and refuse to accept it can do
good things sometimes. i'm not a psych boot licker by any means, i criticize psych and the DSM and such, there's no reason not to, and being a sysmed doesn't mean you blindly believe everything about psych. a LOT of us criticize the DSM bc it's not perfect, and it's disingenuous
to act like we aren't.

another thing to address is that the DSM isn't some bible and it never was and never will be to anyone. it's literally just guidelines of a disorder that addresses different presentations, and allows for a professional to interpret a set of symptoms.
it's not some strict thing everyone has to follow, never was, and to imply otherwise is, again, disingenuous and only shows you've never bothered to pick a DSM up or do your research on it.

when you compare sysmeds to transmeds and anti sysmeds like this, you can see
the differences right? you can see who's actually spreading racist, inaccurate pseudoscience, right? you can see who's spreading things that aren't actually proven by any scientific fact, right?

i'm not anti endogenic, but i am a sysmed in that DID/OSDD is a disorder, period.
i'm only here to correct misinformation on DID/OSDD, the DSM and ISSTD, and it's especially prevalent in the PG and pro endo communities and apparently if you criticize PG or pro endo spaces for saying "that's factually incorrect", you're called a sysmed.
in conclusion, the term "sysmed" is both inaccurate and too on the nose (bc DID is already a disorder), transphobic and so watered down at this point it doesn't even mean anything anymore. end of rant thread. #syscourse
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