I've been seeing a few friends talking about vanilla gpose (ps4 users) vs shaders (pc users) and I've been wanting to put down my few cents www.
Pictures below are done without any shaders and they could look good too :> (cont.)
Angling, framing and lighting could do wonders to making your picture looks good, and there's no such things as PS4 gpose being inferior, they could look super neat if you know how to use those tools to your advantage.
But at the same time we can't dismiss the fact that shaders really, really helps making your picture pop.

But I hope it doesn't discourage PS4 users or those who don't use shaders from gposing.
Shaders user really have it good, but even without it they could look great too.
In the end I think as long as you are having fun it's all good.
Honestly I'm not sure where I am going with this thread since I use shaders like 90% of the time... But I hope it encourages PS4 users to keep taking gposes, you're doing great and I love seeing them too!
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