⚠️ Climate Change Science⁉️

The scientific method is the following of a systematic methodology based on EVIDENCE, EXPERIMENT and OBSERVATION as benchmarks for testing hypotheses.

When data contradicts your hypothesis, but you insist in its validity, you're *NOT* doing science‼️
The #ClimateChange alarmist predictions are works of science-fiction because, contrary to scientific principles, they ignore the FACTS about global warming’s actual impact:

✅ Earth’s temperature has been rising at a microscopically slow pace

✅ An warmer Earth would save lives
“By 2020 major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate.

Nuclear conflict, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.”

– The Guardian, 2004, posting a secret Pentagon #GlobalWarming report.

In 2008, Al Gore announced that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in five years.”

Fast forward, 2013 came and went… and our 🌎 is just fine.

We are in 2021 now and #ClimateChange is still a #hoax pushed by Marxist Globalist ideologues.

#ClimateAction #Alarmism
In 2009 U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon declared that “the world has less than 10 years…


to halt the global rise in greenhouse gas emissions if we are to avoid CATASTROPHIC consequences for people and the planet.”

#ClimateTruth #ClimateAlarmism
Biden & the Democrats plan to get rid of clean burning American natural gas (no fracking) to cover our land with HIDEOUS solar panel jungles 😱

Killing wildlife and destroying nature's landscapes... because Green New Deal crazy “environmentalists” say so?
The climate—as anyone would think—has ALWAYS changed, and there is no perfect average Global temperature that we should strive to preserve.

Earth has repeatedly been WAY warmer and has experienced vast fluctuation patterns.

We are not out of range!

We’re on a well worn path 👍
Climate change does *NOT* threaten us, but climate ALARMISM is indeed an existential threat: ⤵️
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