“Vegeta’s number one speech in the Kid Buu arc was disregarded in Super and his character regressed.”

I disagree with this.

To me, Vegeta’s speech at the end of the Buu saga was essentially meant to be him letting go of his insecurities over this lower class warrior being on par/stronger than him, a prince, and accepting and acknowledging Goku’s strength.
That it doesn’t make him lesser than Goku in any way at all. You can admit that your rival is better than you and still hold a rivalry with them.

If anything, I think Super does a wonderful job at building off of that bit of character development at the end of the Buu arc.
In Z, Vegeta was constantly stressed and insecure over their rivalry. Doing things that would put not only himself but those around him in danger just to prove himself the better warrior. Constantly feeling conflicted with himself and even doubting his own strength. (3/5)
Whereas in Super, their rivalry begins to become something healthier. Rather than viewing their rivalry as something to stress and have a crises over, Vegata chooses to view their rivalry as something to simply motivate him. To push him to keep going and improve. (4/5)
People are entitled to their opinions on this of course, but I just wanted to make this thread as I see this take often & this is something I personally disagree on.

Super has a lot of flaws & contradictions, but I don’t believe this part of Vegeta’s development is one of them.
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