
I was reading, in my usual drowsy way about the effects of CO² levels so, having spent most of my days indoors over the last 10-12 years I decided to invest a whole £12+ In a rechargeable CO² monitor, which also displayed temperature and humidity. It arrived an
hour or so ago.

Having charged it I switched it on and within seconds it was reading 1450+ppm. (28°C hu idiot 30%). Cue Google, where I found recommended indoor CO² to be:

250-400ppm - Normal background concentration in outdoor ambient air
400-1,000ppm - Concentrations typical
of occupied indoor spaces with good air exchange
1,000-2,000ppm - Complaints of drowsiness & poor air.
2,000-5,000ppm - Headaches, sleepiness & stagnant, stale, stuffy air. Poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate & slight nausea may also be present.
5,000ppm =
Workplace exposure limit (as 8-hour TWA) in most jurisdictions. >40,000ppm - Exposure may lead to serious oxygen deprivation resulting in permanent brain damage, coma, even death.

Reading that I instantly got out of bed and opened 2 more windows to allow free air flow. The
I don't regret the ÂŁ12.09 (with 1 day free delivery) I spent. I am sure you won't regret what it, or similar costs you. Mine will go everywhere with me now!

Good health to you.
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