1 On The Big Phone Home, @LueElizondo says when he asked #ufotwitter what we wanted from the 180 Day Report, the number one request was...


Lue mentions gun camera footage from another angle, data from multiple radars, etc...
2 Lue will release other requests we made in the very near future.

What will be released vs. not? Lue says Sources & Methods. (This is why I think our reps should be allowed 2 tell us what they're seeing during classified briefings. "An unknown craft made a 90 degree turn.")
3 Lue: Gov't says they don't want to talk about nuclear capabilities but via FOIA, you can see there are reports that show there's a connection. In the 180 Day Report, the good stuff will initially be classified but hopefully, be released to the public some time in the future.
5 Lue: Leaks aren't the best way to get information out. (In the presser to media, Lue said it shows an incomplete picture. But IMO, the official releases (Gimbal, Go Fast, FLIR1/Tic Tac) did the same)
6 Lue asks, What does disclosure mean to you? Asks the panel. I'll try to remember to answer that during my time slot with @JeremyCorbell, @SilvaRecord and @PostDisclosure at 4pm PDT.
7 Lue asks why are we okay with spending millions on NASA, SETI but not on UFOs?

(IMO...stigma, ego, hoarding of funding $$$ and fear)
8 Lue says we need to minimize any speculation and instead, focus on facts and data. (When talking to scientists and journalists who are new to this, I agree. But if someone asks me to speculate and share my opinion, I won't hesitate to do that. But in the end, I Don't Know)
9 Lue, if you want the government to do something (it's their job to carry out the will of the people), you need to get off the couch and contact your reps. @LuAngeles says you can stay on the couch and contact them via your phone as you lay on your back. 😎
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