Hi everyone lets talk about what happened around 10 minutes ago on Tubbos stream

{A thread}
What happened is these three dudes approached Tubbo Tommy and Jack and did a few things that you SHOULDNT do when seeing a content creator IRL
One, don’t get face to face with cc’s like that. They are real people and especially with the pandemic it’s even more dangerous. What’s worse is the pointing of the phones right into someone’s face, definitely can make someone uncomfortable
Two, don’t try to GRAB anything from CCs. They tried to take Jack and Tubbos phones from them to record which you should NEVER do especially when streaming
Three, DO NOT EVER SEXUALIZE ESPECIALLY TOMMY AND TUBBO (goes for Ranboo as well). They are MINORS and real people. All three of them have expressed discomfort in the fact of being sexualized and when they called Tommy sexy that was really not cool
And Four, don’t start screaming. This is just downright rude and draws attention to others. You can tell how uncomfortable they all are but don’t want to be rude
Tommy Jack and Tubbo all are very sweet with fan interactions, however doing this is so not okay. EVER.
Also do not doxx these three kids that did this. They were obviously under the influence and of course what they did doesnt mean it’s okay to do but regardless they are still children. I better not see anyone sending messages or death threats of any kind
I frankly shouldn’t have to address this??? But as a admin for a few CCs and twitch mod I think it’s only fair I bring this up. In the end, treat CCs how you’d like to be treated
Anyways no self promo from me cause this whole situation shouldn’t be a reason for me to advertise. Just stay safe, be polite to CCs and just don’t do this :)
I muted this thread hours ago but I got a few dms and comments about it. Apparently this is pretty normal in the UK for groups of teens to do this. Regardless of it being normalized this thread is still pretty relevant of what not to do to CCs . Stay safe out there :)
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