The greatest skill you can develop in this life is the ability to observe both the best and worst this world has to offer without allowing either one to overwhelm the importance of the other. This planet is full of awful people and amazing ones. See both with clear eyes.
We tend to choose pet causes and then we see everything through an associate filter. Civil rights, war crimes, poverty, extremism — this isn’t a bad thing, it’s how we move these needles. Fight your fight and let your passions empower you... but (here’s the tough part)...
Don’t lose sight of the world that’s just in the 30 feet around you. Don’t forget that you can be a force for change in your own living room, that your relationships and loved ones matter, and that it’s okay to revel in a perfect moment in a world that’s wholesale imperfect.
Fight your fight, make the world better on a macro scale by raising awareness and engaging with others online. Then sit with your son or daughter for a while and make sure they understand why that stuff matters and why they matter. *Dad’s naptime rant complete.
You can follow @AlexHollings52.
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