“There are next to no ICU beds [left] in a city of 20 million" — Delhi hospitals are overwhelmed and collapsing without any oxygen left. 🧵

BBC journalist @yogital reports. #COVID19 #CovidIndia
2) When an anchor asks the executive director of Batra Hospital what it means that there’s zero oxygen... he replies “it’s over”. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1385884864768004096
3) I agree with @PrasadKasibhat1 - US needs to step up fast. https://twitter.com/prasadkasibhat1/status/1385967756659548167
4) common people are dying on the sidewalks outside hospitals. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1385116938255454211
5) India’s deaths are vastly underreported. Vastly. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1384789570957500416
6) Yet we are projecting 1 million deaths in India by August 1, 2021. This conservative modeling is based on the current **reported** death trends!! Let that sink in. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1385797607646285829
7) the 1 mil death by August 2021 model also assumes vaccines bend down the mortality curve by mid May. If it doesn’t then deaths will be more. And don’t forget under reporting of deaths by more than 2x to 10x.
8) Yet the world is not vaccinating fast enough.

Here is now the world is doing in vaccines... not well.

(Partially) vaccinated:

Fully vaccinated:

To reach 60% at current rate:
966 days
9) The @IHME_UW model for India also includes sobering efficacy numbers for variants. Dr @AliHMokdad is one of the leading epidemiologists in the world... and this is what he’s working with in his AstraZeneca models. I will let u read for yourself. https://twitter.com/alihmokdad/status/1385728826085236737
10) the world will need accountability of this humanitarian crisis in India.
11) We need to plea for international support for India. Send them raw materials needed for more vaccines production. We all know India is likely 10x worse than what it seems. https://twitter.com/vincentrk/status/1386018015905468417
12) Is Modi’s govt in India now suppressing the death count or just completely incompetent in counting all the dead? The world deserves to know. India’s citizens deserves to know!!! Goddamnit. #indiacovid #CovidIndia https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1386124397300391940
13) 50% positivity in Kolkata where there is much fewer hospitals and much poorer healthcare ICUs. I’m beginning to think the death toll in India will vastly exceed 1 mil by fall. 5 million feasible considering 1 mil projections are conservatively diagnosed cases alone. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1386249817211424770
14) India is now short on oxygen, vaccines, testing, wood for even cremation, and even space for graves. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1386322609160212483
15) Yet, despite the overwhelming oxygen shortage, Modi’s loyalists are claiming there is no oxygen shortage. And threatens to seize the property of anyone claiming there is. Dystopian authoritarian crap. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1386576298072477696
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