Translations are a very simple concept. You take a word and translate it DIRECTLY into another languages word. Sometimes there is no direct translation. So you engage in whats called "localization". However doing this in a sloppy way can RUIN a character , show , and feeling.
Exibit A on why the people subbing this show should be fired. "sus" is not a word. Its not real. its meme from a videogame that quite literally just became popular in the past year. In 10 years. nobody will know what the fuck they are saying here. This is lazy.
Exibit B is much much more explicit. Here we already have official translations yet the staff decided to trash that translation for a goober gamer word that nobody outside of fighting game communities would understand. Again , hire actual translators. Or just stick to source.
Exhibit C is more of the same. derp is not a fucking word. I have spoken english my entire life and this sentence is nonsensical. Im sure the idiot who approved this was giggling like an idiot at how dank his sick reddit meme word was.
Why is this a problem? because if you want fans to buy a product , like for example blu rays. You have to deliver them a actual completed product. As of right now the superior version of this show will be fansubbed.

@Crunchyroll should fire the person responsible.
If @Crunchyroll does not start accepting responsibility for their role in respecting existing franchises by butchering them and applying their sometimes political , most of the time lazy and dumb , standards. English speaking fans will have to take it to the japanese companies
japanese companies do not give a fuck about your feelings on the subject. They dont care about your dumb soy eating , funko pop collecting employees who im sure are paid way too much.

We are not asking for much. Just translate the fucking shit and stop writing new scripts
already have fucktards defending "sus" as a real word.
I dont care. The translation exists. They didnt use it because the staff at crunchyroll is garbage and unfunny
wow this is blowing up

If you are a black/LGBT weeb i dont care what you think.
black fighting game fans in my mentions blowing a george floyd sized gasket over "scrub" right now

lol nobody gives a fuck dude i dont care how mad you are that covid shut down your smash tourny
-MHA fan

they are connected
The amount of gays , black nerds , trannies , and linguists shitting their pampers over this thread is wild.
No posting screen caps of urban dictionary from 2016 does not make you right. No Japanese girls don’t use African American vernacular. Yes you MHA fans all have pronouns
“Durr sus has been a word forever” so has suspicious and suspiciously , the actual translation. How long until CR starts having anime girls drop “nigga” cause it’s hot with the “young people”
This thread got enough interactions from the people who understand corporate culture wars. However it’s been hijacked by people who want surgeons to build them vaginas
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