I’m just so tired. We’re constantly being used and constantly being misrepresented and when we try to disagree, not even fight, DISAGREE, we’re told we’re being hysterical fangirls. And then they use that to justify the misrepresentation further.
This is one of the reasons why the ARMY academic issue is so heartbreaking. You are supposed to know us and be on our side. You are supposed to help spread the truth. Instead you’re furthering misrepresentations and inviting even MORE misrepresentations from other academics.
If this had been addressed properly by R3 yesterday those two guys wouldn’t have been able to waltz in and start mansplaining about how their obvious biases were correct. R3 could have defended us but they defended themselves instead.
It’s feels like we had this part of ARMY that was actually being taken seriously and instead of elevating the rest of us they climbed up into their ivory tower and kicked away the ladder
These guys are siding with what is essentially a fancy ARMY fanbase, in order to sht all over ARMYs. And they’re letting it happen. I have no idea how it came to this.
And the fact those men are treating R3 with respect despite them technically being ARMYs too and in the community they’re attacking shows what I mean about them having more power than us. Through academia they’ve managed to separate themselves and gain perceived superiority.
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