A few times a year I feel like I have to remind the world what time it is and how daylight saving time works.
Twice a year, when many of us I'm the USA change clocks, I hear near endless complaints on Twitter about the effects of rolling back or springing forward. Each time I convince myself that everyone finally gets it. But then it's just "PST" this and "PST" that on April.
If you're unsure, just leave it out. "Eastern time" or "ET" works just fine. No need to get formal, middle initials involved when just two will do!
If my mother yelled at me with my full name but used the wrong middle name I won't think she was serious and would go about my way. And time *is* serious, folks.
This thread was quirky on purpose. Maybe the impression left was, "who does this grumpy ass think he is?" My goal was that it was memorable and hopefully you balk at writing out the time if you're unsure.
You can follow @live_to_bike.
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