TODAY! Join @TBAF7's Fund-a-Thon celebration featuring NCRP's @BrandiAlexandir, who will be discussing our fact sheet on abortion access and the impact COVID has had on abortion funding.

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“We need transparency from the sector. It is very harmful to quietly fund abortion because it perpetuates the stigma. Silence is ineffective and when you fund it loudly, #philanthropy is able to follow the lead.” — @BrandiAlexandir, @NCRP @TBAF7 #InvestInReproAccess
"Access to abortion is an issue across portfolios. If you’re funding child care you should be funding abortion. If you’re funding small businesses, you should be funding abortion. If you’re funding maternal mortality, you should be funding abortion." — @BrandiAlexandir
“It is not sustainable to completely rely on one space or one or two donors for anything, let alone something as large and essential as funding abortion.” — @BrandiAlexandir, @NCRP @TBAF7 #InvestInReproAccess #Philanthropy
" #Philanthropy needs to be able to see lack of capacity that abortion funds have just as much as it sees the wins and celebrations.” — @BrandiAlexandir, @NCRP @TBAF7 #InvestInReproAccess
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