Yesterday I saw a video so horrific and so heartbreaking circulating on my feed. It was intensely traumatic and I've felt sick ever since, I'm getting flashes of it in my mind and feel constantly on the verge of tears.

TW: Death

The video was of a murder. My uncle died in the same way not even two years ago and we are yet to see justice.

I'm really urging, in fact begging you all at this point to please stop sharing extremely traumatic videos of Black people facing horrific violence. Just stop.

Sharing these videos add to the trauma and pain experienced for generations. Families have to relive over and over again the last moments of their loved ones. It also means that those closely affected have to relive that pain, but not on their own terms.

I just can't take seeing another person die on social media.

I understand that many share these videos hoping that outrage or virality will bring justice, but it very rarely does. We can tell the story of someone's life without needing to watch it play out.

You can follow @sofiaakel.
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