Rather than attempting to legitimate astrology as a form of therapy, though, couldn’t we see its liberatory potential as more like analysis? As a way of “speaking with” the Other, of unifying the subject through speaking an ancient language that can work against alienation? 16/19
Divination, in the sense of speaking with the gods, is a method of encountering the Real and unknown that works through and exists beyond us. This is the liberatory work of accessing and coming into discourse with the unconscious in its most mysterious, awesome sense. 17/19
Although there certainly could be (and are) forms of astrology that are not liberatory in this sense, it is not hard to understand why astrology and divination must remain marginal to the extent that they are not solely tools for coercing humans into modern social norms. 18/19
Viewed this way, the unconscious is not within us or part of the psyche: we are within the unconscious, and our psyche is part of the real unknown beyond us. Divination has liberatory (anti-alienating) potential to the extent that it is a dialogue with this unconscious. 19/thread
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