Tis often said (particularly by her nephew and eldest sister) that she's thirsty AF.

She likes to think she is more than that though. That she is charming, clever, sharp-tongued, loyal, sweet, loving, kind and just fun. She's a witch so you don't want to get on her bad side.
Oh honey, her clothes are the best that money can buy.

Which unfortunately due to her circumstances she has champagne tastes and beer budget. (Let's blame her brother in law, Henry Tudor). She gets nice hand-me-downs from her duchess grandmother and other high-born relatives.
She would like to have more friends.

She considers @HisMajestieRII one of her dearest friends. Family that are friends are @EWydville @FirstTudorQuene @AlIYouWannaDo

She is incredibly close to her sister, Cecily. She also considers her sisters in law friends too.
Be the best that she can be whether daughter, wife, mother, friend, or yes, princess.

When you've had the life that she's lived, sometimes just surviving the day is a goal.
She and scribe still haven't figured out this alignment thing so she'll let @AlIYouWannaDo answer this question.
Because life is too short.
Her children dying and she dying before she has given her husband a son and heir to secure his line of succession.

Besides losing her children, she lived her worst fears after her father's unfortunate premature death.
One assumes hating on Margaret Beaufort and @WinterKyng don't count as hobbies?


She is an excellent seamstress. She loves organizing the pantry. She loves to read, dance and sing.
Talents? Goodness gracious. That question stumps her.

Being a good, honest, loyal friend who supports support when needed and candor also when needed.

Being beautiful, gracious and charming. Knowing most people and a lot of little facts.
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