Seeing some people really happy and some sad about their performance today at Regen.

Want to spread some positivity. Like this tweet and I will say something positive about you :D
@AyeEssBee I really love your top 8 graphics for the PT events! Also you doing more more SM64 stuff has gotten me into the game again! Keep it up!
@playprojectm Not sure if we have ever talked but looking at your profile I can tell you have great taste ^^
@PurinBigLettuce I have always seen you as a ball of motivation. It is super clear how much you care about what you put time into.
@ozjunge you have a super cool and art style. Also one of the most chill people to talk with :3
@MurenSsbm whenever I think of the next gen of swedish smash you are always one of the names at the top! And you never stop showing up and getting good results. You can defenetly go far!
@Saft_blandarN best thing to come out of Skåne 🙃
For real you have one if the sickest playstyles despite playing luigi (🤮) looking forward to see what you will do on the boxx!
@dankssb never met someone with more zoomer energy. You are one of the most supportive people I know.
@SharpSSBM best person <3
You may have some ups and downs but you always make progress and I know you will succeed in whatever you put your hearth into.
@Ke_marxz your initiative to help EU get frame1s despite knowing it would be hard it super cool. And doing a project when you are so young is even cooler. Much respect for you^^
@Random_Riki Not sure if we have properly talked in person but I have heard great things about you and I love seeing you play teams. It is clear how much you care.
@mayhem092 when I think of Finlands smash scene I think of you. Love seeing all you do for the scene. I know you do a great job as a TO and you are super fun to play with!
@Chobbbbby you have a super healthy way of looking at improvement. See so many people frustrated when switching to a box controller but you always seem to look at it in a positive way.
@King_SSBM one of the fastest raising stars in EU atm. Seeing you improve so much just this year has been inspiring. You also have such a cool combo games with falco, always a treat when you bless my timeline with a clip.
@acro1312 I do not think we have ever talked but I have only heard great things about you and you might have some of the best retweets on this website!
@Roryx9 a great TO, player and friend :)
Always try to join voice when I see you around because it is always pleasant to talk to you.
@ExySSBM You are way better at the ICs MU than you have any right to be >:[
But for real you seem super friendly and you are super nice to play with.
@BoseJonas you are living proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks ;)
The fact that this is probably the time you have improved the fastest is super cool and will be nice to see how far you can get.
@KinguSSBM actually the future of smash. You are far the player that has impressed me the most since during the rollback area. Plus you are a great friend :3
@ChrisuSSBMtG your slippi stats tool is super cool and I have spent way too much time staring at stats because of it.
@MiniNuckels the master of fixing people bad setups and a great host of smurf tournaments.
@Ottishen unlimited boomer energy :P
You are such an all around positive person and you are great at making the people around you laugh^^
@LoopybaraSystem one of the most fun people to play chill friendlies with and just talk. Plus you always seem so motivated despite everything which gives me so much respect for you!
@ILikeTurtlesSSB You have one of the funniest tags in smash and a really funny punish game which is always nice to see^^
@JohsyJam one of the most friendly people in the scene and always super nice to talk to you.
@Jormisen might be the best comedian in Sweden because you calling yourself mediocre is such a joke ;)
Always love seeing you do well!
@GonJa_ssbm you have one of the best approaches to melee I have seen and the work you put in shows so clearly ^^
@smekisen your TL is probably the closest I have been to politics but at least you only retweet the good stuff ^^
Also you have the perfect nickname.
@ApacheSmash also not sure if we have ever talked but I know that you call out things you believe to be wrong and speak up. I respect that about you so much!
@UnHaven best EU commentator
also the most one of a kind combo game I have seen with ICs and I have stolen so much of it >:]
@CallFin_ your twitter bio became so much more funny after you switched pfp. Also my favorite SMO speedrunner ^^
@FetteDeadass you are a really really supportive person and great friend!
@SSBM_Ladz feels like I see you more and more on commentary. I really respect you helping out the scene!
@The_Swahls great BOTC host and overall you seem like a such a caring and friendly person!
@Jamie_SSBM one of the easiest people to talk to because of how nice and understanding you are. Also one of the people I believe in the most will make it far in smash.
@MinerUnlimited honestly all I know about you is that you host tournaments but that is one of the most stressful and underappreciated thing you can do in smash so mad respect for doing it and helping out the scene!
@CWNoxxa you are way too generous lol. You seem super nice and we have to play some time!
@schimaaaa super nice person to talk to :)
Also cool to see you do better and better in the EU. Sure you will take down some more big names really soon 👀
@DC_Tellman you never stop surprising me with the stuff you add to your gameplay to push it further. You have to be the least sheik-like sheik main but you make it work with smart choices in punish game and a great neutral.
@T0bbeTrollkarl very nice friend that is always cool to talk to about stuff outside of smash.
@Rev_SSBM might be one of the smartest people I know. I really like the way you look at the game as it is similar to how I look at things. Seeing you push yoshi bit by bit has also been super cool ^^
@Puddingfighter you might have some of the friendliest vibes out of any smasher. It is hard not to smile when talking to you!
@RichSSBM best teams player of all time. You are such a good and understanding friend that helps out so much more than you need to. I will always love you for that <3
@ssbmmax one of the most relatable people for me in smash. Seeing someone at my age go through the same thing as I did is super cool. I am happy to help you reach your goals as I know how much you care and I know you will get far if you stay motivated!
@FluentCoding feels like you know more coding languages than I know English words sometimes...
Seeing you so involved with big projects is super cool like your slippi bot and helping out EU smash!
@xdelmao all around great energy! Feels like you always try to have a good impact on people you are around and that is great to see!
@BlackH4ze if only you knew how many people send me "ggs" after playing you... Our tags might be a bit too similar lol.
You are very good and I remember almost losing first time I played you cause you were sooo good and underseeded.
@Vintageshark1 you have a super cool playstyle with young link and it is cool to see you do better and better :D
@BlinkSSBM you beat me in pools and gave me my favorite losers run ever so that is sick. I do not hear much about you nowadays but I really used to like playing you, even though you were farming me for a good while. I hope you are doing fine!
@MadeInShineA master of dumb tech
@LilFroozy super nice person and I wish I knew you better! You always add something nice whenever I see you in a conversation and that is super cool :D
@Taisux you might have the best work ethic out there. Just dont burn yourself out and I know you have a good future!
@vlerkssbm sick samus :3
Also a really great twitter game!
@BlueSpruceLuan best player people don't know about somehow. You are actually way too good. Once you fix a few thing you will take out most of EU. Looking forward to it :D
@MezzySSB the Marth main in EU that is not afraid to put yourself out there and shows with how much you have improved!
@rikzzssbm feels like you went from some German fox to top 10 EU overnight. Hearing you talk about the game and seeing you play is always great because I can tell how much you put into it and you do so much right!
@Fout_NL the peach that makes my flowcharts the hardest to follow >.<
You are super sick to play because I always have to think so much to find the right answer to all the cool stuff you do.
@o__boga super cool fox main. Feels like you are learning the game a cool way. Like you have few clear flaws and improvement for you more so seems like raising you skill level all in one instead of one thing at the time which I do not see often.
@epikfaal way too humble calling yourself mediocre. Your 4 stock comeback is one of the clutchest things I have seen in smash ever!
@CondeFombrilac I don't really know you but you have some super sick peach clips which is always nice to see ^^
@ApolloSmash I feel like you always manage to clutch out situations that looks lost and that takes some skill!
@boxrZhu always been one of my favorite commentators because of the way you look at the game. Now seeing you play around with Marth has been super cool and I can't wait to see all you can come up with!
@secondarybask seeing you beat tauntmaster bring me more joy then it probably should. Love when you give people a taste of their own medicine!
@Squeachu like the most chill smasher out there. Does not matter if it is game 5 last stock grands. You still sit there in VC talking like it is just a regular Sunday evening. And you do it while playing a mid tier lol
@Poilon you put in so much work to help the EU scene it really is incredible to see!
@JustsomeLia love your pfp and the general vibe of your account!
@SSBM_RichP love the way you look at the game. You are not afraid to take one step back to take two steps forward!
@ProfessorProUK you are so much more down to earth and goofy then I thought you would be. Really really like playing and talking to you! Even when you just mess me up.
@Ice_Fights you are really really good at melee...
It is actually nuts how long you have been at the top of the EU scene and seeing you still fight and beat the new up and comers is super cool!
@Aiika__ you clearly put a lot into the game. I remember your pop off vs gosu and that was probably the most hype I have been about a Ganon winning anything!
@Sofden_ you are such a nice person. You are still figuring a lot of things out, but you are not afraid to be wrong and you really do care about what you do. I know you will make it far once you improve your mentality!
@Meady_ssbm one of the people I really really want to become great at smash. You have such a good base to become the clear nr1 Marth of Europe. Always improving and I do not see that stopping anytime soon. So keep it up :D
@AkselTorvald most underrated luigi. Love seeing you beat really good players and having them complain about luigi lol.
@Specstar_ somehow more involved in the EU scene than the swedish scene despite being swedish, but for good reason because you do a great job in the EU melee discord :D
@LAMP_SQ I have not lost to a Peach in 3 years but you were the one that took me the closest >.<
You are super sick and play in a style that is the opposite to what I am used to so it is really challenging for me to adapt. You are sick :3
@fatman_spam keeping up the stereotype that all ICs mains are nice :3
You are super chill to play and talk to and you always show off cool stuff :D
@borcossbm I do not really know you but your bio is 10/10 and you are a marth main meaning you must be a man of culture ^^
@altan62 you were super sick to play with. You also did such a great job helping on making my guide in the past which I still really appreciate!
@L_eary I don't know you really well but I know you are very British and have a very entertaining twitter!
@itsDanubi you give off super comfy vibes. Also your Sheik is cool to watch ^^
@Ninjagofan72 unironically a huge fan. You play the game in a way I really find interesting (especially when the DK comes out) and you improve so fast. Always love to see you play :D
@kevinriw you are very good at ultimate and you retweet really great art ^^
@abbe0333 you are actually just nuts. Every time I see you play you have leveled up like 2 times, and on top of that you seem like a really nice person. I really hope you make it far in smash if that is your goal :D
@umbruh__ I do not really know you but you main Peach which is really cool and I would love to play some time ^^
Also your tag is funny
@DirtyPecker1 you are such a good friend. You are probably the easiest person for me to talk to because I know how honest you always are. Also in general you are just such a friendly person always helping others out. <3
@aerialinterrupt most fun samus to play vs! You do go in too much for your own good but you always go for super cool and unique options which I love to see :D
@marcus_frenje Really miss you and I hope you have been doing well as of late. You are such a friendly dude and I really enjoyed talking to you in Norway. You also had one of the most entertaining streams^^
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