laura marano and BTS are the rarest celebrities out there who have the kindest and purest personalities and love their fans so much 🥺💜 so i decided to make a thread of some messages from fans of them! i hope you enjoy going through this 🥰❤️ @lauramarano @BTS_twt WE ❤️ YOU !!
"laura and BTS are the most important people in my life, they make me feel so safe, loved and appreciated. I've grown up with them both and I feel like they're teaching me how to be a better human everyday. I love them and their music so much that it hurts... 💗⭐" - marina
"BTS: I have known you for 3 years because of my best friends and your music speaks loud to my heart. you guys are so kind and caring with your fans and the world.
thank you for sharing your art with us. So incredibly proud of all you guys have done with your career!" - inês
"laura, you are the most talented and kind person I know, I am so thankful for following you for all this years. you give me so much inspiration and teach us all how to be the best versions of ourselves,+
thank you for always put a smile on my face whenever I am in down,I love you!"- inês
"i just wanna thank bts for their music, they're the best <3" - carolina
"laura is the best person i’ve ever met, she’s so kind and amazing... I don’t have enough words to describe my love for this little angel!! laura I love you more than you can imagine, thank you for everything my princess!! 🥺❤️😩" - julia
"laura is such a sweetheart to all of us. she deserves to be wished the best only, I'm so proud of every small (but big) achievement she reaches and I can't wait to see her grow even more as an artist 🥺💜" - lorenzo
"laura is an absolute angel and i love her so much🥺 she makes me feel so loved and i am so grateful to be a part of her fandom!❤️" - kayla
"BTS the light of my life . I found you when I needed you . I really appreciate the way you always heal my soul and cheer with your great music and everything I just love it. I am so thankful to BTS and will always be with them ! 💜" - sarah
"laura is like my older sister even though we are the same zodiac sign and a year older than me and she knows how to amazing and emotional songs" - kate
"laura is the sweetest, most beautiful , and heart warmed person I have ever met🥺❤️ she makes me happier more than anyone else in the world+
and I am so so grateful for her and for everything she has done🥺 her music has inspired me and has also got me through so much❤️ love you" alyssa
"laura's truly a hidden gem. she deserves endless love and support and one day the world will wake up and appreciate all of her work, charity & desire to make the world just better. I love her so much.♥️" - meg
"laura, you’re so so so amazing and talented🥺🥰 you mean the world to us and we love you so much! Words cannot describe how important u are in our lives! <3" - sara
" @BTS_twt I love your music, you guys r so talented!!!! Continue like that, I’m so proud of each and every one of u🥰" - sara
"BTS always makes my days so much better no matter how much pain I went through,their voices heal me and so do their comforting words,+
I am not one to get easily attached to singers cause it takes me a strong conection to do so and yet here I am loving these 7 men unconditionally💖" - belle
"BTS and laura always manage to make me smile on my darkest days ❤️💜" - marta
"both are the best of my life. Thank you so much for making me smile every day. I love you guys" - pao
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