🧵— Jay Ferin.
🪡— The Ferin are a navy family, one held in quite high regard thanks to ___ Ferin. One of the sister in this family awarded a medal of honor for her service. But that’s not who is about it is about a less fortunate sister. Jay Ferin. A entertainer forced to do to preform +
🪡— task to appease her family Dancing and playing her flute everyday without much rest while being laughed at constantly. But her own family no less. Was it because she didn’t live up to her sister legacy? Or was is just simply because she was born?
🪡— Jay didnt know and she wasn’t going to stick around to find out. Drey left why couldn’t she? After the passing of ____ Jay decided enough was enough. She was leaving, leaving behind her family, the constant abuse, everything. She was leaving behind the painful life she led +
🪡— behind her. She was gonna find Drey and become a pirate. What was she gonna do when she found Drey?...We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. But for now she had a purpose one that wasn’t suffering for the enjoyment of others. For once she was going to live HER life +
🪡— Three weeks after the funeral of ___ Ferin Jay packed her bags. 20 minutes before she was supposed to perform for a royal family she snuck out the back door of the ship. Why not embarrass her family on the way out? They deserve it after all. +
🪡— Jay stared out into the sky. The moon was bright and stared back.

She was free, finally free.
🧵— end of thread!! the blanks are to replace jays sister name which we don’t know yet so yeah ^_^
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