T minus 90 minutes before I get my first shot of the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine.

I can't believe the day is finally here. 😀💉
15 minutes after taking the vaccine, I did not turn into a red-crested cardinal ... so I'm not sure if this vaccine is working! LOL! 🐦

In all seriousness, I felt fine after 15 minutes of getting the shot. Left the mass vaccination clinic without any issues! 😀
Four hours after taking AstraZeneca:

Still feeling fine, though a lil' tired!

Running on "low sleep" from last night (in bed by 1 AM, up by 5 AM! 😝). Stayed in bed for 2 more hours -- on & off sleeping & listening to the radio.

Will try to get some restful sleep tonight! 😀
9.5 hours after taking AstraZeneca.

Between 8PM-10PM tonight, started to feel tired, sluggish, sleepy. Also felt like I was coming down with a cold / feeling sick in the throat! Not sure if "lack of sleep" from the night before is catching up with me or the AZ vaccine.
Either way, I plan to go to bed soon! Catch-up on lost sleep and let the body recuperate (assuming it's the AZ vaccine that's starting to impact my body).

And I was doing so well earlier this evening! Heheheh! 😝
14 hours after taking AstraZeneca (2 AM).

I had a rough time sleeping last night.

Prior to bed, my body felt hot (as if I had a fever), yet my feet was cold. 😝

Could not sleep between 2AM-4AM. Turned on the fan to keep my body cool.

Sleep did arrive by 5AM. Slept to 7:45AM.
During the night, I took one tablet of Tylenol. I didn't feel headache-y, though I thought it might help out with the "fever" / hot body.

My left arm which took the vaccine felt sore last night. Awrk! :P
21.5 hours after taking AstraZeneca (9:50 AM).

Feeling better vs. last night! :P

Not feeling hot or achey (as much!). Feel tired (though this may be attributable to a lack of proper, deep sleep).

Going to take it super-easy today! Get plenty of rest! Recuperate my body!
24.5 hours after taking AstraZeneca (12:50 PM).

Feeling woozy, sluggish, tired, sleepy.

Not feeling the "hot flashes" on the body. Not feeling the fever-like symptoms.

Have been resting on the sofa this morning, listening to the TV in the background.

Will rest this afternoon!
30.5 hours after taking AstraZeneca (6:50 PM).

Spent much of the day resting/sleeping. I still feel "out of it" -- drowsy & woozy. Throat feels like there's a "tickle" in there, as if I'm sick. Feel warm.

I don't want to do anything else except rest, recover & sleep. 😀
34 hours after taking AstraZeneca (10:20 PM).

- "Fever" broke. Body not feeling as hot as it once was.
- energy levels rising; not feeling woozy/sleepy
- increased stamina to be active (vs. wanting to just lie down & sleep)

Glad to be doing better! 😀

Going to sleep soon!
44 hours after taking AstraZeneca (8:20 AM).

- got better sleep last night, which was good!
- appetite returning
- feeling more energetic
- deltoid muscle/arm still sore (don't want to sleep on that arm)

Overall: feeling better!
54 hours after taking AstraZeneca (6:20 PM).

I think this will be my last entry on this thread. 😀

- normal health returned earlier today (after 48 hours)
- deltoid muscle (arm) still sore after the jab

Glad to have taken the shot!
I will now monitor myself for the next 4-20 days for the rare blood clot issue in taking AstraZeneca.
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