So for the past week. I have been called the following:

A transphobic
A harasser
Got called fat
Probably racist

All because of the colors of my profile pic. I wanted to do a test and it worked. Last time I remembered, colors just meant colors. (1)
Colors on your profile pic or whatever pretty colors you decide to put, doesn't represent you. Ok, if you're an ass to me, I'm an ass to you. It's that simple. Treat others the way you want to be treated and not because of colors.(2)
So if just TWO BASIC COLORS BOTHER YOU, just block me. It's ok. It won't hurt me. I'd just be laughing at the stupidity of it. For the record also:
This is a safe space.
I have trans friends
I have gay friends
I have lesbian friends
I have Bi friends.
Once again you are welcome to block me. Thanks for reading this thread. You are awesome! Stay awesome. (4)
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