For my non-Mormon peeps, Korihor is the name of a man in the Book of Mormon who gets deceived by the Devil into spreading false doctrine to the Nephites, and is then taken before the religious leaders of the Nephites, given chances to recant, then is struck dumb by the Lord.
With the caveat HOWEVER that the religious leaders could have prayed to God and let him remove His show of power to Korihor to repent.

The leaders don’t do this and basically claiming “ a leopard doesn’t change its spots”, they let him be disabled and kick him out
And because this is well known to the public, the people turn their back on him and he becomes unhoused, poor, begging for food until he goes to the town of his followers and they trample him to death.

Where then Mormon, who is recounting this, says in essence it’s justified
Why? Because Korihor is labeled as an anti-Christ, an enemy figure who is against the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So now centuries later after recounting this, many LDS Saints use the term Korihor to label someone as an anti-Christ figure, an enemy to the Church.
Which is already bad enough except the most militant and fervent members of the LDS whites supremacist group Deznat also believe in Blood Atonement.

What’s that you may ask?
Blood Atonement is a teaching from Brigham Young, the second prophet of the LDS church, that says that there are some things so heinous (like interracial marriage and interracial kids) that only by their BLOOD BEING SPILLED can they be saved by Christ.
Basically this person has sinned so heinously before God that Christ’s infinite grace and mercy can not save them in life unless their blood is spilled and they die to make an atonement for their sins.
This reasoning is what led to the first lynching in Utah of a Black LDS saint who had been found courting a few white women.
And this is terrifying because almost half a century latter many who support Deznat (Deseret Nationalists) still believe in this demonic teaching and have sent death threats alongside threats of corrective rape and sexual harassment to Cal and other Saints deemed “Korihor”.
In essence, once you are labeled a Korihor by someone connected to Deznat, it’s open season on you to these demons and they will swarm and virtually try to do what Koriohor’s people did to him and stomp you to death if not escalate to try to do it physically as well.
So @BYU to have a famous professor at your university, with over 100k followers on social media and massive influence in Latter-Day Saint spheres use such a hateful dog whistle against a current student is not only shameful, it’s endangering a young man’s life
Especially when said young man and others have already gone to BYU and Provo police many times over the last several years of their time at BYU because of the amounts of death threats they’ve been given by Deznat
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