the way people think spirituality is crystals, candles, readings, incense etc. when it's really learning to be a better person, and those tools should just aid your process. it's really about learning to take accountability for your interconnectedness to everything around you.
people say they want change, but no they don't. they just sit back and talk about what they wanna do and see. they talk about how the world fucked up & people got fucked up morals, when it's them. spirituality leads you to the inner change so u can connect better with others.
that's why I don't understand why folks get upset when they receive readings that involve difficult topics. is the goal here not growth? or you just tryna be cute? or you just tryna "test me" to see if my shit really accurate? either way the motive is ulterior.
you can't control what other people do. so yes, the world is fucked up. but what can you do about it? nothing, you can only control yourself. in changing yourself, other people can become inspired to do better. that's how you change the world. that's true spirituality.
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