The 3 Biggest Fat Loss Mistakes

// THREAD //
#1: Environment

- you have junk food in the house
- the people around you eat junk

You wouldn't put a drug addict in a house with a bunch of drugs, would you?

Then why are you putting junk food that you have crazy cravings for in your house?

Eliminate the junk food.
The people around you are bringing cookies to the office, inviting you out to lunch, and ordering pizza every weekend.

What do you do?

Have a serious conversation with them about your goals.

If they're a true friend, they will support you and in end hold you accountable.
#2: Emotions

Stress eating is extremely common.

People get stressed from work, relationships, bad news, etc...

And where do they go to comfort them?


When you feel stressed, grab a journal and jot down what you're feeling.

Gain clarity, not calories.
#3: Food Choice

You are eating like a kid.

Pizza, candy, ice cream all the time?

One of the bad things about ultra-processed foods like these is that they don't fill you up!

You'll be hungry no matter how much you eat.

Eat more whole foods. Eat less processed junk.
3 Biggest Fat Loss Mistakes

1) Environment
2) Emotions
3) Food Choice

Optimize these 3 areas and watch the scale drop!
P.S. Are you struggling to lose fat?

I'm putting together an accelerated fat loss program.

You must be

- coachable
- willing to work
- financially stable

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