lrt its so weird to me that people have forgotten what a huge creep omocat is because people said this for YEARS while omori was in development hell. also the main character of the game is the shining example of the evil alter stereotype and not enough people talk about it
// omori , suicide , sysphobia , pluralphobia
if you somehow dont believe me on that last point, heres some more proof. they literally use the terms headspace and spilt personality you cant get much more clearer than that on how fucked up this is
and not only is it furthering the evil alter stereotype but it also furthers the idea that alters such as persecutors or other such alters must be abused or "taken care of" because they are incapable of change which is not true at all
tl;dr you can still like omori or whatever but please dont act like youre the better man for only acknowledging that omocat sucks because theres PLENTY of things ingame that are bad and must also be acknowledged
// suicide
i did not initially include this but i feel like it further solidifies the point that its falling into the idea that alters who have moments of regrettable behavior are entirely evil and will only ever do bad things regardless of any other factors
since this thread is getting some attention, i would just like to say that while it is important to bring this up im not a system myself and i believe more singlets should do research or even ask systems about bigotry against them and you will be much more educated
bigotry against systems is often ignored or trivialized and i feel as though we must fight for them like we would do for any other oppressed group
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