Welp it's not even 9AM and I'm already pissed off
I entered seminary after the fall of 2018—iow, McCarrick and Philadelphia literally happened that summer. The following year, my pastor—one of the most strict people I've ever met when it came to Protecting God's children guidelines—was uncredibly accused. He's still homeless.
Hell, I even took a class in college on the abuse crisis. To say that the abuse crisis has been on my mind doesn't do what actually goes on in my head justice. I used to love being and playing with kids; now I don't even give them high fives
Trust me when I say that priests aren't unaware about the consequences of the abuse crisis. Because they all wrestle with how to help kids—who btw need support because so many of them today just have shitty lives at home.
This isn't supposed to be a pity party; I'm an anon, you don't know me. But this is an appeal to be sympathetic to your priests and pray for them. The laity are not the only ones pissed off and frustrated about the abuses.
I'll probably delete this thread later today idk, we'll see
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