So this is exactly why I found the show so rocky and iffy. I wasn’t a fan of how they were portraying the flag smashers as radical terrorists and extremists instead of...desperate people who had a goddamn fucking point.
The ending with Sam’s speech against the fucking UN really helped turn it and cinched the show. But I just KNEW some people will categorically not get it and churn out these weak ass centrist takes
Because Sam/Cap was holding a very similar take of respectability. I agree with you, but not like this. We can get this done without the violence.
But violence begets violence. That was the point. That’s what his speech was about. And the UN and the GRC using force to send these people “home” is obviously going to bring violence when these people aren’t heard.
But naturally people are going to be like “see, we didn’t need violence!! People learn from this!!”

When nothing would have changed if it wasn’t for Karli, the flag smashers and their actions. Just...sighhhhh
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