People have been distorting me and my positions, acting in bad faith, and Westerners are trying to sew division between me and my comrades in Asia. Some say, "Luna, don't show emotion, don't let trolls know you're bothered." I know you just care about me...
but I don't mind saying when I'm pissed.

First, emotions ALWAYS get weaponized against BIPOC. And being docile and complacent is not the way to fight that. I will stand up and fight for myself and my comrades of color!
This is also an example of weaponizing language. This is why I will NEVER debate any debate bro. If we say something in not-perfect-English or get emotional look how fast it gets weaponized against us!
Second, the whole idea of "not showing emotion" is a Western liberal DEBATE concept and it has to end. Watch Vietnamese national assembly or union meetings some time. There is crying, emotion, laughter, sincerity. Being a human is not a bad thing!
I am PISSED that these supposed "comrades" are twisting my words even after I clarified and told my position, I am pissed that westerners are butting in and trying to divide Asians, I am pissed that anyone gets away with acting like this in a "communist" space.
I may have misphrased something in a tweet four months ago, but what is worse, saying something badly (and then clarifying what I actually meant) or someone searching that out to distort and slander and divide? Yes, I am PISSED, deal with it.
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