I blocked about 15 people last night who were downright defending the pros and saying they've been mistreated.
Why? Because I have perspective and they don't.
You probably know I've got a daughter, she's nearly 8. She will probably experience some form of harassment in her life
Just because she's female. If my daughter was the harassed streamer, I'd be god damn livid. And that's the perspective I have, and everyone else should have. If my daughter got harassed, and people put the blame on her for not blocking people I'd be livid. People don't get up
And think "you know what I wanna be harassed today". I couldn't give a fuck if they're young and made a mistake. I'm angry for affected women who face this daily and get blamed. I'm angry because someone I love will undoubtedly be exposed to this, and get blamed for it too.
And if I know I'd be angry if it happened to my daughter, then I have to keep that same energy for the women I don't know too. They're someone's daughter, mother, girlfriend, sister...if you don't think it's a problem you lack perspective. Take a moment to consider the harassed
Was a female figure in your life. How does this make you feel? If it makes you feel anything other than disgust, you're a terrible fucking human and there's no two ways about it. I hate to say it, but it's mostly men calling the defence of this too. Some women have which is
Even fucking worse. Men; do better. Stop enabling other men to harass people. Women; do better. Call people on their bullshit. I just want to say fuck you to every and any person who defended these dickheads. Grow up, stop being cunts, and learn to fucking respect people.
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