Ranboo's 93 lessons - a thread (/j)
this thread is 100% intended to be read in Ranboo's voice just to be very very clear ksjsks.
1. don't run with scissors
2. always pick *gun* in rock, paper, scissors because there is genuinely a version of the game where a gun is involved and it just wins every single time
3. you don't have a personality you fool you stole it from Ranboo. Your speech patterns didn't change for no reason big guy.
4. wipe standing up you heathen
5. Tommy is, in fact, not 6'3 and that brings a smile to my face every time I think about it
6. Birds can't tell that glass is there, probably because they're rather bird brained *weak rimshot plays in the distance*
7. The universe is moving really really fast all the time which means we're all going over the speed limit all the time. We are all criminals.
8. Raccoons look like they have little masks on :)
9. Bridge to Terebithia is probably the saddest film a human being can ever watch. If you disagree with me I'm going to ignore lesson one and do just what it told me not to do, and do it in your general direction /lh
10. The number ten is a number
11. Professor Hidgens did nothing wrong
12. Ranboo did nothing wrong
13. Wilbur did a lot of things wrong
14. Tubbo'd entire personality isn't been I'm so sorry to break it to you.
15. blue and yellow mixed together make green, unless you mix it wrong; then the universe shifts on it's axis a lil bit /j
16. The Lady from the Little Nightmares DLC is kind of a milf
17. How the fuck does fishing work?
18. Being a writers not that easy, but Grammarly can help. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's wordy and hard to read. Luckily Gra
19. This thread was a stupid idea
20. Ranboo is a national treasure
21. I mean national treasure as in the descriptor,,, not the movie starring Nick Cage
22. National Treasure was a stupid movie.
23. We still don't know what a Hufflepuff is, exactly
24. According to all known laws if aviation there is no way a bee should be able to fly
25. Baking soda and vinegar are not an accurate depiction of what lava feels like- I saw we sue the education system /j
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