WHY STRAY KIDS ARE PROBLEMATIC: an informational thread
as a former fan, i know much about what stays have tried to keep quiet about. they don't want to hold their idols accountable. stray kids are an incredibly problematic group and here's why:
1. HYUNJIN BLACKFACE: hyunjin dressed as a character that based on the racist "mammy" stereotype. they have since released a vague apology, but did not take accountability.
[cont] comparing hyunjin's racist actions to "stepping on a rake" ... is incredibly insensitive wording.
2. HYUNJIN DURAG: he wore a durag or accessories resembling durags multiple times. this is cultural appropriation.
3. BANGCHAN CORNROWS: bangchan wore cornrows, another case of stray kids' cultural appropriation.
4. BANGCHAN N SLUR: said ninjas as a replacement for the n word and then defended it with this song, in which he says "i said ninjas fam, i think you misheard"
6. JISUNG RACISM AND ABLEISM: jisung wrote lyrics in which he used multiple offensive words. he has since written a vague apology, but did not address what he said and therefore has refused accountability.
7. SEUNGMIN MAKING A 9/11 JOKE: said a plane crashed into his apartment building when he was younger “just like 9/11”
8. SEUNGMIN HOMOPHOBIA: in the same vlive he made the 9/11 joke, he also stated that he said "marriage should only be between a man and a woman"
[cont] this vlive has since been deleted
9. FELIX: misgendered sam smith
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