not only was this thread unnecessary but it’s literally wrong lol. men not feeling comfortable discussing their sexuality compared to women stems from how male homosocial relationships are characterised
homosociality refers to social bonds between persons of the same sex - in terms of male homosociality, we can explore how men’s interactions with each other are based on men craving bonding/intimacy between each other yet still wanting to uphold hegemonic masculinity
because of this, there is a disruption between male homosocial and homosexual bonds - male homosociality is literally based on the desire for male bonding + homosexual panic - meaning the fear of this desire manifesting itself into homosexual desire
whereas for women, the spectrum between female homosociality and homosexuality is more linear, and women’s sexualities are able to be perceived as something that can evolve or shift from simply “women supporting the interests of women” to “women loving women”
so men, in attempts to emphasise their heterosexuality, develop misogynistic and homophobic language or behaviour when bonding with each other, and this is prevalent literally everywhere. everything men do is first and foremost for the validation of other men
if you don’t believe me take one look at an incel forum lmao. or think about how many men idolise male figures who are known to be abusive to their ex partners, i.e. elon musk, or think about how many men say things like “bi men don’t exist, they’re just gay”
men are not given the same support to explore their sexualities because of how strongly male homosocial relationships emphasise homosexual hysteria, homophobia and misogyny
you can also argue that female homosexuality is more socially comfortable to discuss because - although lesbophobia is EXTREMELY prevalent and a lot of it especially has to do with the lack of male involvement in their relationships - wlw relationships are fetishised by and seen
as palatable to men. whereas mlm relationships are not. somebody please read this thread i wrote way too much and i’m not taking it down lol
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