I started off with a really ranty tweet but decided to focus on solutions instead. So here are some ideas on reducing waste in schools:

1) Stop laminating. A resource does not need to live longer than you. Use one of those plastic wallet things to keep things wipeable.
2) Use your resources for as many classes as possible. If you print 30 worksheets for your Year 8s and no longer need them, give them to a colleague who also teaches Year 8 or keep them for next year.
3) Double sided printing is king. Show your students how to fold with a little tab so you can see both sides of the page when glued in.
4) Glueing in flat is a waste of three sides. Being able to lift the page and write below uses three pages to their full capacity.
5) Copy and paste a resource as many times as possible onto the page and trim it. It's possible to fit in 4 poems onto one A4 page with ease, saving several sheets of paper.
6) Display whatever you can on the board. I always put up questions on the board and tell the pupils that their full sentence responses should clearly demonstrate what the question is. If it doesn't, it's not a full sentence.
7) Recycle! And if your school doesn't have a recycling system you can:

- push for one
- take waste paper and plastic home yourself
- give merits to students for taking stuff to recycle
- give supplies to the Art department

(Obviously get rid of any GDPR-breaching stuff!)
8) Keep a box of scrap paper for students to use when planning, making notes, doodles etc. The students are very inquisitive seeing what other classes have done too â˜ș
9) A biggie...please turn lights, projectors and computers off when they're not being used. You're not paying the bill, but the world is.
10) If you can, try growing some plants in your classroom and nominate students to water them. It's a very wholesome way of teaching the pupils to nurture nature.
You can follow @StarEnglishhh.
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