it's important to my system's scootaloo introject that she can't fly because it's a limitation she both works with and around, much like we need to in this body due to severe ADHD symptoms.
our symptoms are severe enough to effectively mute our capabilities to a near silence. what is a small task to others that may take some practice (flying) becomes an insurmountable obstacle that cannot be completed (scootaloo's small wings)
however, our hyperfocus and hyperfixation skills allow us to work incredibly quickly on something we enjoy. for scootaloo, that's scooting and using her wings as a speed boost.
portraying her as flying is almost like our system wishing we were neurotypical; it isn't a thought based in triumph and victory.
our abilities are hampered by the increased tolerance to the chemicals brains usually dump to create a need to do a task, then a feeling of accomplishment when the task is finished. we can't train our brain away from that; it's stuck this way.
flightlessness isn't something she's proud of, but she is proud of what she can do in spite of her flightlessness that some other pegasi wouldn't even consider trying.

that's why her flightlessness is important to her.
idk why i made this thread, i just felt really compelled to spill my thoughts about it.
but ultimately, i understand why she feels so down in the dumps lately. we haven't gotten anything done and we have been incredibly anti-social lately, and to her it probably feels like she doesn't even have wings in the first place.
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