How to increase conversions from your landing page, emails and Tweets.

A thread...
If you're trying to sell any kind of product online, your goal is to convert link clicks into sales.

Here are some ways to increase conversions for your digital sales channels.
1. Have effective calls to actions

Your call to action (CTA) is what will convert a visitor to a customer.

It could be an instruction urging users to sign up for an email list, or to BUY NOW.

Whatever it is, it has to be visible.
Use a countdown timer - limited time remaining.

Use a banner at the top of each page on your site.

Make it stand out using colour, fonts, emojis, animation etc.

Use a pop-up after a visitor has been on your site for some time.

Whatever you do, make your CTAs prominent.
2. Easy conversion

If a process takes too long many users will quit even if they like the product.

E.g. for an email list don't ask for first & last name, country and email, when all you really need is the email.

People are lazy. Keep it simple.

Less than 30 seconds is good
3. Include testimonials, guarantees and reviews

Trust is important for converting new users... and it has to be earned.

Where possible, include reviews, testimonials or offer a guarantee.

Most users will be more inclined to trust you if you provide third-party reviews.
4. Action words in headline

It's important that you use strong action words in your headline.

Its strength can make or break conversions... it’s the first thing a user sees.

You've only got space for a few words, so choose wisely.

Ignite emotion. Initiate intrigue.
As above, you've got room for just a few words to create a first impression... so don't overlook the headline.

Be clear and concise.

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